Perfect timing to buy Nordictrack S22i indoor studio bike

Sharing my trail running experience

Perfect timing to buy Nordictrack S22i indoor studio bike

Nordictrack S22i studio bike - the first cycling session

Two years ago I was injured. Had a stress fracture in my right foot, preventing me to run for eight months. It was crap… Something that was good though, I started to enjoy indoor cycling. I could actually with a fracture, and a boot go to the gym and enjoy some indoor cycling. 🤔 Did that add to my 8 months recover???

Anyhow – as I got back to running I also started to cycle less. I have during this last year bought and outdoor MTB and enjoyed some great forest rides as active recover from running, and I’ve actually also bought a Nordictrack treadmill to be able get some “free” elevation training in. As I’ve really come to enjoy the Nordictrack incline machine, and the iFit training sessions; I have since some time now been looking to also getting a Nordictrack S22i studio bike. Unfortunately, it’s hard to get around that it’s a costly investment its taken some time to buy it but after the Christmas break I thought I deserved it.

It took about a month to have delivered from Träningspartner – no complain really as I knew it was sold out when I ordered, but the timing was great when I finally got it. Having realised that I had to take a recovery week due to the pain in my calf I was super excited when the the Nordictrack S22i finally got it delivered.

Nordictrack S22i studio bike - in elevator
Nordictrack S22i studio bike – getting it delivered

I’ve been super careful to start slow this, not to cause any other injuries and still let my legs rest. The initial sessions has been great though, and the first impression is fantastic. The bike can increase to 20% incline and 10% decline and using the iFit software I can follow some really cool rides around the world, or participate in some spinning sessions. It’s super quit – I will be able to get up for some really early morning sessions.

The setup was super easy, and with the initial reactions I can really recommend the Nordictrack S22i studio bike..

The only negative thing so far is that I don’t know how to record the data correctly on my Coros or how to automatically get the data to Strava. Any tips??

Nordictrack S22i studio bike - and my Nordictrack x22 incline machine
Nordictrack S22i studio bike – and my Nordictrack x22 incline machine
Nordictrack S22i studio bike - setting it up
Nordictrack S22i studio bike – setting it up
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