Trail running is a fantastic way to workout, and as many things, it gets better with great gear. Here’s some tips on essential trail running equipment. You have shoes, shorts and there is a map at the trailhead with a path you intend to try. Get a running mate and get your equipment. Do not forget basic equipment for running trails in the wilds:
1. Clothing: The clothing on your body is the most important trail running equipment. Everything you wear should fit well and be free of tags that will only grow with every mile. Select proper trail running shoes, shorts and good socks for trail running. A light windbreaker is ideal to carry in case the weather turns cold and windy.
I personally prefer Injini trail running socks. Ever since started to where Injini trail running socks, together with the fot shaped shoe from Altra, all my blisters has gone away. Give Injini and Altra a try.

2. Water: This is a no-brainer and essential trail running equipment. Runners should carry H20 with hand-held water bottles or packs. Many bottles will do the work and will serve the runner well. Water is essential for dehydration and keeps the runner moving.
3. Food: Do not forget calories. You can skip food for short runs. However, anything above 90 minutes of running, you need to keep your level of energy up by taking cookies or bars. 100-200 calories per hour is ideal if you can stomach it on the trail. Also, getting electrolytes in form of drinks will help remove muscle cramps in the long run. More than the electrolytes, I frequently take salt tablets on my long run during warmer runs.
4. Hat: A brimmed hat is essential for sun-drenched runs. A hat is used to make a fashion statement along with a face-shading view. For mountain runs, you can include a light hat that covers the ears. You can also make use of light gloves in case there’s a sudden drop in temperature.

5. Vest or Pack: You can get specialized running vests that carry water and gear in a comfortable package. They hug your back and stay stable in the long runs. Not everyone likes to carry a pack, but on longer runs where more water, gear and food is needed, a vest-pack is a solid option.
On some longer races with lots of elevation, I also pack running poles in my Salomon trail running back pack. Following the guides in this blog post, I made it easier to bring them with me in my Salomon running vest.

6. Headlamp: If your run is close to nightfall, you can pack a small or light headlamp in case you end up behind schedule. It’s ideal to take along a headlamp than struggling your way out of the forest in the dark. For long hours in the night, a handheld light source will be ideal to add dimension to the running surface and point at some particular objects in the dark.
My favourite running head lamp is the Lumonite Compass R

7. Sunglasses: Light sunglasses are a must-have on bright-days and it will help to protect eyes from sunlight or unseen branches. For night-time runs, you can get clear glasses that shift tint in the dark to safeguard your eyes against any unforeseen factors.

8. Space Blanket: If you get injured or get lost on the trail and you need to sleep through the night, a space blanket can make the difference. Even just a twisted ankle may be dangerous if you’re dressed lightly and the temperature falls. If you’re headed into the mountains, you may consider packing some blanket that can save your life.
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