Will I ever be able to run again?

Sharing my trail running experience

Will I ever be able to run again?

Running with Team Nordic Trail

3 days without running, and quickly strange thoughts and stress come top of mind. Will I ever be able to run again? How can I handle [ABC] at work? It’s clear that running helps me organise my mind and keep focus.

This week didn’t turn out as expected, and I missed the long awaited long run. Two of my children had earlier in the week been down with a cold, and it was now my turn to get it. The first sign of it was my turn to become ill is when I discovered that hear rate was much higher than normal out on a run. I actually thought that something was wrong with the watch; but about 12 hours later I started to feel the feeling of being ill. Checking the heart rate frequently really gives an indication how one feel. Now three days in, I feel almost 100% recovered and I will tomorrow see how it feels on a slow run. A good thing with being a good health normally, the cold passes very quickly.

Me and Emelie was two of the coaches this week.

The week started great with a coaching session in the evening sun. Short intervals is what the schedule said, and the team pushed them self hard. It’s inspiring to be coach and see how the whole group gives their best effort. Everyone is there to have both fun, a social hour and really give it all for an hour of great trail running.

Warm, rainy and wonderful…

Tuesday morning we joined the group at Väsjöbacken and gave our self a good start to the day. 600m of elevation, and one is ready for another day.

Wednesday evening I wanted to explore a new area together with Daniel and plan for the long run the coming week. To my surprise we found a wonderful forest that I definitely will explore more. As I got ill, I didn’t managed to join the team for the long run, but according to what I heard they all had a great time. We also discovered that its time to bring the head lamps with us. The darkness come quickly now.

Another great morning with Team Nordic Trail

Thursday morning – As always, a morning session with Team Nordic Trail. This time it was Jacobs turn to guide us through short intervals. I felt strong through the whole session, which is strange as I came down with the cold later in the day.

Friday to Sunday, I had to survive without running – something that really wasn’t hard when I felt that the body needs it. It’s funny also to reflect how much more time one get when the running doesn’t fill the spare time. A few hours of work, a course, cleaning and hovering. Good as alternative, but I really hope that I can go back to running soon. I feels like a lifetime since last.

Ready made vegan food. Hopefully as tasty as it looks.

Something new that happen this Sunday… I’ve just bought Svaratalådan for the first time. Ready made, vegan and healthy food for the whole week. Hopefully a real time saver allowing me more time for both training a quality time for the kids next week.

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