When I nearly killed an Englishman

Sharing my trail running experience

When I nearly killed an Englishman

Marcus and Tim on the mtb mountainbike from Trek

Today was the time to pack. Prepare for the trip to come. Tomorrow we’re heading out on our long road trip. Travelling together with the childrens cousins all the way through Sweden to Kebnekaise.

The day started very hectic with work, realising that I’m far from complete. Oh well, I guess it will be a bit of work on the first days of vacation. To add to this, I realise that not all the shopping has been done and that it didn’t start as planned. Panic!! I need to to go for a run. Like a junkie, I feel that the only way to get relaxed and take control again is to go out for a run. 

After a very short 3k run, everything was back to normal. On the short run, I found new beautiful trails just outside of the door which I hadn’t seen before. That I will for sure check out more. Perhaps a reflex run for this winter?

Marcus finding new trails for trail running home in Stockholm
Marcus finding new trails for trail running home in Stockholm

Having been out on the run, I now managed to organise the packing, finalise the shopping and have time over to take Tim out to the local montainbike track. The NICK track here in Ursvik.

What I didn’t say until he discovered it, the NICK mtb track is to my knowledge, one of the most technical mtb tracks in Stockholm. Haven’t done any extreme cycling since he was a kid, he thought this was more than exciting. “I survived Covid-19, and you try to kill me on this”. He said it with a sense of humor…. I hope. Oh well. He lived to cycle another day and we had a great time out on the trails.

Tim take the Trek MTB down the trails in Ursvik
Tim take the Trek MTB down the trails in Ursvik

If you’re ever in Stockholm, Ursvik. Visit this mtb track. Its lots of fun and most likely you’ll see me running there. 

Tim speeding down on the trails.

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