Weekly training update, week 5

During every mountain race that I have done, I feel – shit, I need to do loads more of hill repeats. Despite the increased amount running and training the last weeks – I will feel the same during TGC in March.
Now when Transgrancaria soon is coming up, I needed to increase the total elevation gain I do during a week. When I summarised January the total elevation done in January, it was a bit scary to see that Strava showed less elevation for a whole month, than what I will do during a single race in early March. A small comfort is that not all elevation is tracked in Strava. The meters gained on my Nordictrack x22i doesn’t show up in Strava so at least I have gained more elevation gain in total, than what I will do in TGC Transgrancanaria 129k. But… have I done enough? Most likely not.
This week, I did the following training
Monday – A run with Pamela
I meant to have a rest day today, due to a high milage the previous but when Pamela asked if I could join her for a short, slow run and talk session, I couldn’t say no. Together we ran just short of 7K with 136m elevation,
Tuesday – Hill repeats
I try to join every Tuesday when we run hill repeats in Väsjöbacken. Up and down outside of the ski slope we try to find new way to conquer till hill.

Wednesday – Rest
The long awaited rest day. I really felt that I needed this day.
Thursday – On the treadmill
I can’t say that I love my treadmill, but when I can earn 700m of elevation before breakfast at home, instead of going out in the morning rain – Then I at least can say that I like to have the machine at home 🙂
Friday – A morning in hill
Friday mornings we try to run in the Haga park. So we did this week as well. Though, due to all the ice, I started to feel scared. Normally I never feel scared. If I fall I fall – but now when I have so many big races coming I’ve for the first time started to feel that I need to take it easy, not to injure my self. 6k, and 600m of elevation to start the day.
Saturday, hills and malls
I started the weekend early, out in the Haga hill again. After a few repeats, and 1,000m of elevation I was ready to had home for a nice breakfast with the kids. Me and Estelle thereafter went to the gym for some exercise, followed by her favourite activity – a visit to the mall. Together we had a good day out!

Sunday, not as much hills as I planned
I need the elevation gain, but I didn’t want to take the car again and repeat the previous two mornings in Haga. I therefore, just ran to the closest hill and did run repeats on these trails. 10k and 520m of technical forest trails.
During the afternoon, me and Pamela headed out for a scouting run, for the following Mondays Team Nordic Trail interval session. I found a very nice look on nice runnable trails. Another 10k and 220m of elevation to close the week.
Next week, I will focus on getting at least 2 running sessions in every day.

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