Cycling to reboot

Sharing my trail running experience

Cycling to reboot

Marcus Adolfsson cycling Trek Fuel EX7

Today I took a day off. A day off work. A rest day from running. As I recently have started another training program, todays schedule actually said 90 minutes in slow temp with a few burst of high speed, and in a way I really had time for it today but I choose not to. Being flexible to events coming up, I prefer to run the sessions that inspire me and give me energy. I guess that’s the reason why I’ve failed following a training plan so far.

Today I felt like cycling instead. And that’s just what I did.

Doing more of what makes me feel good is important. Thats why days like today is so important. Taking a couple of days off work to get a few “important” chores done, and mixing it up with things that make me feel good.

I bought my bike (Trek Fuel EX 7) about a year ago just to use it to mix up the running with something else. I haven’t used it as much I planned to, but today it was finally time again, and wow is it great. Being out on the trails on wheels gives me the same kind of relaxed energy as running in the forest but it allow me to really relax (at least the running muscles).

Today I took the bike out to Ursvik, and enjoyed the Nick 2.0 and the new kids loop being built in the same area. I’m for sure not a speed monster and was passed twice by faster cyclists, but it doesn’t matter. I finished the loop feeling great. I finished the loop with a lunch in the nearby café, enjoying the spring sun with an alcohol free beer.

After a day like this – I can do more chores and dig deep into work again 🤩

Wow , look at that air time… I felt like I was flying 😆

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