Category: Inspiration

Sharing my trail running experience

A trail loop around Billingen on Billingeleden

I had been wanting to run the complete Billingeleden for some time, but the timing had never been great. Therefore, in a grey and dark winter evening I decided to invite some friends for an event to experience the loop with me, during a time when Billingen really show its colors. In May. During May,…
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Silva Great Lakeland 3day

An adventure that took years before it finally happen. Read more about the adventure run in Lake District here or enjoy this little video memory of a few amazing days in the Lake District. The most beautiful place I’ve been to in England.

Back to not drinking alcohol

Three and half year ago, I stopped drinking alcohol. With frequent work trips, I simply had enough of it. Not that I stopped, but I wanted to. To stop drinking alcohol is hard though. Being such a social “drug”, its close to expected of one to drink at all kind of different get togethers. A…
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How much to run to do an 100 miler?

That’s a question I ask my self often, and I believe its a common question for many runners aspiring to run their first 100 milers. But what’s so special with 100 miles? I guess everyone have their own opinion on that as well and how you prepare for it. I also believe that how you…
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A running adventure on Billingen

Event done! It was as great as I hoped it would be. Read more about the running weekend on Billingen here. Come this May, 2022 – May 21 to be exact, I thought it would be great to show some of the running community how beautiful Billingen is during spring. I’m born and raised in…
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Gotrun on Gotland – Ultra trail magic

Days became weeks, weeks became months, months became half a year – and I couldn’t get back to blogging. After this weekend though, chatting with running friends and running another ultra, I realised that during 2022 I already have close to an ultra race or adventure booked every month. Hopefully this year, will become equally…
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New Bergans ultra light tent, Sonos Roam and a delivery from Salomon, but no running.

4 deliveries this week. 🤩 Or rather 3 deliveries and one visit to the shop for inspiration. In these Corona times, I’ve been getting used to deliveries, but it’s nice to visit a shop to touch and feel before one buy as well. This week, in preparation for next week adventures I bought a new…
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How to recover from runners knee with 3 exercises

Below, I’ll explain 3 exercises I currently do every morning to recover from runners knee. The same blog post about runners knee in Swedish. This wasn’t how I had planned the spring. But it seems my runners knee is back. I never really did any exercises to prevent it to come back. But I didn’t…
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Ecotrail Stockholm 16km – Test run

This Saturday, we could finally run in small groups again together with Team Nordic Trail when TNT invited to the first test run of Ecotrail Stockholm.

2 months without a post

Wow – What happened. 2 months without a single blog post. The winter passed and work and life kept me busy. I did watch a nice little Youtube clip the other day about motivation, and how to take a single next step to get started with something.