Back to not drinking alcohol

Three and half year ago, I stopped drinking alcohol. With frequent work trips, I simply had enough of it. Not that I stopped, but I wanted to. To stop drinking alcohol is hard though. Being such a social “drug”, its close to expected of one to drink at all kind of different get togethers.
A few years after this new year, 3,5 years ago, I decided to stop drinking alcohol for a month. This, since I had a “valid” reason to not drink. I had a foot surgery planned and I had read it was good if your body was free from alcohol at the time of operation. The operation was later never needed, but when I had now been without alcohol for a month, I realised how much better I felt. I felt happier and stronger. I thought, I will continue with not drinking for a while. This for a while, quickly became 2,5 years and it was finally easy, not to drink alcohol. For a few different reasons, I started again, now just a year ago.
During this last year, I have enjoyed the social aspects of drinking alcohol again but it has taken its toll. Drinking, albeit just social became something I prioritised over a few different things, amongst others, it has affected my training. I realised that once again, this drug is impacting my life in a way that I don’t want to – but again, I didn’t stop.
Last week though, I had enough. After long night out, this “way of living” impacted people I care about and I behaved in a way that I’m not proud of. It’s time to take another break from alcohol. Without it, I know I will feel so much better and I know I can handle life’s all situation and work pressure in a much better way. I’m not saying no to alcohol forever – but for now I will not drink. For now I will enjoy my life without drugs and focus on things that I know I will be happy over. My family, running and friends.
Just how I spent this weekend. Running and camping with friends. A weekend I enjoyed fully, even if I didn’t drink.
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