A trail loop around Billingen on Billingeleden

I had been wanting to run the complete Billingeleden for some time, but the timing had never been great. Therefore, in a grey and dark winter evening I decided to invite some friends for an event to experience the loop with me, during a time when Billingen really show its colors. In May. During May, most things are at full blossom on Billingen. Trees, flowers and bushes. The 57K loop is very varied in nature and a route that I believe more should experience. A short movie clip of the run on Billingeleden to come later.
Due to injuries, a busy period in both life and the running calendar for most, the group became a bit smaller than I thought it would but it’s all fine, as we who did join, made it a real dream trip.
I had rented a small cottage to stay in, just next to the trail. I can really recommend the cottage if you plan to visit Billingen: https://kronogardensbopalantgard.se/kronogården.html
Part 1: 41K on Billingeleden
Most of the first part of the loop was amazing. Different vegetation, and we ran through different forests. As we had made our first “fika” stop in Varnhem, we headed out on the last stretch towards Billingehus. This part is the only part I cannot recommend. Slight uphill on a straight gravel road for about 10K. Next time, I will skip the organised trail and try to find other smaller trails not to repeat this stretch. Its a very strange way to show of Billingen by the organisers of the trail. Read more about the trail here:https://www.vastsverige.com/…/leder/ledsida_billingeleden/

I believe Ana, Thomas and Chatrine took the clever route. A small short cut on the trail, which gave them a total of 44K for the day, but they then manage to skip the 10K gravel part.

When we came to Billingehus, my dad and the owner of Millners in Tibro had organised a nice vegan lunch buffet for us. It was amazing just to be able to sit down and eat some proper food. Thanks so much for all the organisation dad…

Part 2: 17K on Billingeleden
After the amazing lunch, we headed out again for the final stretch back to the cottage. More really nice views and a great time together.

As we arrived to the cottage, we finalised the day with a nice dinner, again perfectly served and organised by my dad and Millners restaurant in Tibro.

As we do this next time… I hope we will get slightly better weather and I will try to find a trail to skip the 10K gravel parts.
Until next time, run happy and safe!
Pictures from some of the runners who experienced the day with me.
Björn, Ana, Åsa, Thomas, Chatrine and Anders – Thanks for making this weekend special.
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