3,000K in 2020?

Sharing my trail running experience

3,000K in 2020?

300k in 2020

After reading a Facebook post in a running group this morning, I realized that I’m just 530K away from my yearly best. There’s unfortunately also only 7 weeks left of the year. 

Having been in a flat development in running for some time, without anything real challenging coming up in the near future it’s been hard to push myself, when work normally takes a big part of my time as well. 

But… what about crushing yearly best? 

Ok. I think I will do just that. 

This leaves me with just over 75K per week in average and then the last week isn’t even a complete week. It’s just four days. But I will do it, and complete the 530K/3,000K at New Year’s Eve 2020. 

This will be an increase of just 20K per week, easily done. 😊 Right? 

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